Beatty Park Stadium Regen. 2020

– Response to brief from CEO, City of Vincent

The City of Vincent is custodian of a culturally and architecturally significant place. An icon associated with the maturing of Australian sport; the assured solidity of the starting blocks is referenced in the concrete arena, sheltered by a poetically engineered roof that perhaps references a diver’s outstretched arms–sharp, sinuous and light.


Preserve the integrity and coherence of the original grand stand scheme, and reinstate lost design elements. Retain the proximate airspace ie any additional/proximate structure should not envelop relative to context/scale.

Avoid ‘piercing’ and cutting-into and away any existing structure as the integrity of original scheme would be lost and its repurposing is also likely to be inefficient.

Touch the structure lightly – ‘parasitic’ interventions and additions to be light, potentially suspended under tension. Materials to be low carbon/low embedded energy e.g. wood, additional offset through sensitive planting schemes


Of its time; ambitious and exultant to once again lift the community; an exemplar scheme for an evolving world city. At once a restorative and progressive/ regenerative scheme that aspires to engineer efficient and poetic solutions for myriad contemporary challenges.

Interrogate programming to fit within the framework of The Million Jobs Plan e.g. an energy micro-station; solar, biogas digestion from green waste and battery storage/EV charging (include a local e-bus service); zero-energy social co-housing.

Potential Programming

I : Beatty Park Peak Performance Lab

The 1962 Games heralded the inclusion of wheelchair-using athletes. Since, Beatty Park has been a centre of excellence for developing Australian sportspeople.

Amplify this heritage with a Movement and performance research lab : Holistic physical rehabilitation centre/residence: Artificial limb and mobility-equipment design, testing and production e.g. 3D-printed orthotics (NB: there’s only one company in Australia).


Sensitive upgrade to first floor circulation spaces; outlook to CBD. Insert zero-carbon structure within the envelope of the exiting grandstands structure with glazed/ polycarbonate facade; outlook to pool deck. Structure to accomodate testing, training and therapy rooms, conference facilities. On-site but external zero-carbon structure, rehab accommodation/aged-care residential. Vibrant, community-connected aged-care.


Sensitive upgrade to first floor circulation spaces; outlook to CBD. Insert zero-carbon structure within the envelope of the exiting grandstands structure with glazed/ polycarbonate facade; outlook to pool deck. Structure to accomodate testing, training and therapy rooms, conference facilities. On-site but external zero-carbon structure, rehab accommodation/aged-care residential. Vibrant, community-connected aged-care.

II : Beatty Park Peak-Body Campus

Option I programming PLUS a vision of efficient (e.g. 95% less water), large-scale indoor growing of nutrient-dense vegetables and fruit, and alternative protein. Nutrition and related metabolic health are necessary for immune-system health.

Indoor vertical farms with climate and LED lighting is monitored and controlled to ensure maximum yield. Collective/social enterprise in partnership with retailers and direct to residential/ commercial customers through drone delivery. Viable precedent programs in the UK, USA - AeroFarms; Bowery Farming; WholeFoods.

Viable alternative protein farms in the Netherlands - Protix (insects for pet foods).

III : Beatty Park Green-Power Precinct

Options I and II programming PLUS a vision of scalable and efficient renewable energy generation and storage industry serving buildings and transportation within the City of Vincent. Viable local/urban farming at scale.

Anaerobic biogas and PV energy plant– conversion of vertical farm/local residential and commercial/other growers market food waste; river/ocean, herbivore waste ie zoo animals. Viable precedent programs in urban context, notably in Sweden and the Netherlands. EarthPower in Parramatta, NSW, works with Sydney Markets and Woolworths research/pilot schemes underway at various scales e.g. community led in London, council led in Cockburn, WA and academia led (Melb. Uni.)in collaboration w/ the Queen Victoria Markets. Drop-off or collection by a fleet of EV’s which could serve a dual purpose - collection and public transport to precinct. Potential to replace geo thermal and avoid est.$500k cost for upgrade (CEEP Report, City of Vincent, 2015). Byproduct– organic fertiliser for necessary agricultural soil regeneration without using petro-derived fertilisers.


Ex situ potential to site pretreatment and storage at 471 Newcastle Street (former Suttons site). In situ feasibility to be determined of locating on-site, with options being; subterranean; within expanded parking facility; stand-alone, screened from view.