Veterans Village CEA urban farm, 2017

– Co-direction of strategy + design + production

Community gardens are excellent builders of social connection, yet are often too small to sustain community health. Growers markets are usually located far away from need in more affluent, ‘secure’ neighbourhoods.

Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) technologies use resources more efficiently with small footprint/ high volume yields using 95% less water than traditional horticulture. In areas of greater density, local, herb/pesticide-free, nutritious food is available year-round even during seasonal extremes.

The goal of the project was to build a community food garden for residents and local food outlets. The heart of the project is an all-season, self contained Closed Environment Agriculture (CEA) facility, an off-grid, kitted-out shipping container donated by Kimbal Musk’s CEA enterprise, Square Roots.

Initially it seemed extravagant given the number of vacant buildings, but sadly, after a decade of neglect and punishing winters many don’t meet code. The container however could be quickly deployed and set-up for the growing of efficient, clean, reliable nutrient-dense plants.