Mia Mia Ngamar, 2022 –
– 3D-Printed-Earth yarning places
– w/ Uncle Eugene Eades & Rocky Eades
– Integrating water harvest / storage
The second speculative project presented for funding; “advanced natural-building technology to realise Australia’s first 3D-Printed earthen structures on Noongar boodja at Nowanup”.
Creating places that flow from Country, rising-up from boodja, built with Australian expertise. Grounded by the principles of Indigenous Design: Storytelling, functional sophistication and sustainability, like conserving rain water – ceramic filtered and safely stored.
The scheme integrates Uncle Eugene’s existing Mia Mia structures (three at Nowanup site) with my earthen modules and water harvesting tensile structure (’Ngamar’ means waterhole).
Nowanup earths to be tested and 3D-Printed at ‘furniture-sale’ for material and structural performance. To better control variables, initial scale prototyping and printing will be executed in the workshop.
It’s envisaged community members will participate in customising modules with cultural references ie sculptural forms and in relief.
“Bringing together stories of two cultures in the one land. I love that because the only way to go forward is to go together”
Uncle Eugene Eades
Mia Mia Ngamar , 2022
Residential Food–Waste–Energy System
+ Generative AI [ Midjourney ]
Earthen AM – architectural scale R&D
Barcelona, Spain, IAAC + Valldaura Labs