Nowanup Elder Dwellings, 2022

– Heart of community and region

– 3D-Printed local earthen dwellings

– Water harvest

Noongar Elder, Uncle Eugene Eades speaks of change through love, and as part of the heartland journey the floor-plan for the Elder dwellings (fully wheelchair accessible) is referencing our heart’s structure.

This was the initial speculative concept drawn from Uncle Eugene’s brief for siting/ programming, presented for potential funding, It’s a chicken/ egg story. To get the funding/ inspire support people need to see a scheme. I was however reticent to start designing anything as the fundamental objective of this project was to explore/ develop an architectural language for fluid 3d-printed structures being created through peoples translation of their experience of On-Country education.

Notes :

Site is as shown in sun path diagrams.

Polycarbonate sheets for doors and windows (combo of transparent and opaque).

Windows round for strength and ease of installation during printing process; however depth of curve presents printing challenges.

Idea of quilted/ insulated ceilings suspended from timber elements.

This tensile-roof concept is indicative only. PVC material is fire resistant.

Water harvested to be stored in tanks.