MLK Day of global social impact, 2020

– Direction of strategy + creation + production

The Sydney projects were delivered in collaboration with Women’s Community Shelters. and Take 3 for the Sea…

“The ocean is down hill from everywhere” 

Roberta Dixon-Valk,

Co-Founder, Take3 for the Sea

Uncle Allen Madden–Aboriginal Elder representing the Eora people–welcomed the project participants to the area now known as Bradley’s Head on Sydney Harbour. He spoke of the interconnectedness of land, water, animals and spirit, echoing the words on Martin Luther King Jnr…

“It all boils down to this, that all life is interrelated. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny affects all indirectly”

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr,

24 December 1967

Take 3 for the Sea’s main focus is on eliminating plastic pollution, which is devastating oceans, and threatening the health of the planet. The organisation encourages individuals to take at least three pieces of rubbish with them when they leave a beach or waterway. Take 3 projects have removed 10 million pieces of rubbish. and in the process educated more than 300,000 people. 

During this two-hour project In two hours, a staggering 33,000+ plastic pieces were collected and audited, including 6,402 cigarette butts made from plastic; cellulose acetate; 16,015 polystyrene items; 674 recyclable plastic and aluminium single-use drink containers; 58 metres of fishing line;

and a porter-loo.