Shelby Farms Park + Wolf River Regen., Memphis, 2017
– Mempho Music Festival give-back program
– Direction of strategy + design + production
– 1,000 participants earned festival tickets
Working with communities across the US (2017– 2019), I was struck b how much inequity had grown, and what lessons might be useful for communities on similar tracks.
Poverty and its perverse by-products are becoming increasingly systemic. I witnessed how inadequate nutrition impacts intergenerational health, including people's ability to learn and thrive.
'Food apartheid' exists because people working multiple 'gigs' to raise a family don't have time, nor insurable vehicles to do a big shop at an affordable supermarket. Compounding the problem, the types of brightly packaged, highly processed and preserved 'franken-foods' available at corner stores are toxic to bodies and minds.
The inaugural Mempho Festival made available tickets for people to earn by volunteering at a four-hour project in and around the iconic Shelby Farms Park. All projects focussed on regenerating habitats or helping to grow a community-driven healthy food supply. The Memphis community celebrated our brand partner, First Tennessee Bank for making this possible.
“I’m thrilled to know hundreds of the MEMPHO attendees this weekend are there because they planted a garden, and not because they just so happened to have enough money for a ticket.”
Melissa Dison, Director, Memphis Tilth
Community Development Platforms
Water for Life Platform_West Africa
Social Impact + Resilience Projects
CEA Veterans Village Detroit_USA
CSEB cloister dome construction_India
Jack Fruit social enterprise_Brazil
Memphis green space + food security_USA