Guinness SmoothArena, 2005

– Direction of strategy + creative + production

– Designed for awe + resilience

– Toured four countries, six cities

– First large-scale geodesic dome in Africa

– Multiple award-winning brand launch

Making use of its efficiency, modularity, and high-volume/ low weight spatial qualities, the 60ft diameter geodesic dome was the center-piece of a choreographed, multi-staged product immersion experience, presenting to Africa the first new Guinness stout in over a century. 

Without the use of cranes, the dome was erected and dismantled six times, by many hands, and transported from Lagos to Abuja and Port Harcourt in Nigeria, to Accra in Ghana, to Douala in Cameroon, and finally to Nairobi, Kenya.

The guest ‘journey’ was orchestrated by a custom music mix with guests hosted through a gallery space and film screening space before being ushered through a subterranean tunnel and up into the immersion dome. 

The dome interior was illuminated by a custom animated projection featuring distinctive swirling and bubbling animations in the deep rich colours of Guinness stout. The space also featured custom designed portable furniture which echoed the triangular geometry of the geodesic dome.